With this InDesign integration, pages can be freely moved around on the digital pinboard until the deadline. When published they will get the correct page number automatically.
Most designers started to create pdf files late in the process. Some of them even didn’t want to create pdf files and place them on the pinboard until the page number was final. When close to the deadline an extra advertisement was sold and needed some room on the pinboard meant that a lot of pages needed to be redone. So how could we cope with that?
Instead of a PDF pinboard we needed to integrate with InDesign documents. Automatically capture every new version of the document and show it on the pinboard. We did so by using a common workspace accessible for both the customer and us. Everytime a new version of the file is being saved by the designer we automatically update the article and pinboard. Keeping the pinboard 100% up to date.
When the document and location on the pinboard are final. A simple push on the publish button will start the whole process of creation of a print ready pdf file. Page numbers are automatically updated based on the place on the pinboard. The pinboard can show either the InDesign documents or print ready documents making it easy to see if everything is as expected.
Next we added todo’s on the pinboard for central communication.
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