A smart solution
as a service

The software is ours, the solution is yours. No fixed packages or development fees, but a custom rate per use dependent on your project.

We are here every step of the way

Whether you are looking for a way to signalize bottlenecks in your current processes or are looking to solve a specific issue – we got you.

1. Analysis 
& Advise

We map and analyse your current processes and identify where (and how) this can be simplified and/or automated in order to reduce actions and cost and improve quality.

2. Development
& implementation

Building on your existing databases and/or DAM systems we design, develop and implement solutions that suit the workflow of your organization.

3. Maintenance
& insights

We make sure the solution stays available using the latest technology and give third line support. You gain insights into the effectiveness of the solution and overall process.

Our collaborative process
to provide solutions that are truly smart.

A smart solution should perfectly suit your organisation and workflow, and your organisation should be able to fully implement the solution. That is why we aim at combining your knowledge about your organisation, processes, and people, with our knowledge of technology, data and content.

before we start

set expectations and goals

Before we start, we need to confirm that we are the right match. We want to make sure that we like the technical challenge and think we can manage it. On your side, you should determine whether you are open to changing your processes and are prepared to manage the corresponding needs of your organization and staff.

analysis & advise

Identify the challenge

Together we map and analyse your current processes and identify and define problems or opportunities for improvement, and define the challenge in a crystal clear description. We ask all relevant stakeholders for feedback and approval on these definitions.

Development & implementation

Assign change manager

We will then look for a suitable change manager within your organization. A change manager is someone who thoroughly understands your organization and team and will manage the internal changes and challenges when implementing the solution. They will also be our line of contact throughout the rest of the process.

development & implementation

Design & build solution

We will (re)design your content processes and develop a smart solution. We will describe and explain how it will work and what the changes will be in your processes and results. Only after approval of your change manager we start building the solution.

Development & implementation

Test, improve & prepare

For the test phase you can define all the scenarios and conditions. We will make the solution privately accessible for you to test it thoroughly. In this phase we improve and eliminate any negative experiences that appear. Your change manager will prepare implementation.

Development & implementation

Go live!

When all test scenarios have been successfully tested you can start to use it live!

Maintenance & insights

Keep it running

We make sure the solution stays available and will provide third line support to make sure the solution functions optimally. . We will provide you with insight into the effectiveness of the solution.

Let's stay in touch

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