Q solutions blog

From fragmented communication to central communication about articles and content. With a simple point and click on the position on the page that needs to be changed users can create, assign, forward and close todo’s. This way everybody is always on the same page – literally.

Designers were creating pdf files from their design to share with the editorial department and would receive feedback and change requests with an email, notes in de pdf or written text on a printout. Keeping track of all change requests and statuses was an administration of its own. Very time consuming and hard to keep everybody in the loop. Therefore they were seeking a solution to maintain a clear overview of their tasks. 

On our pinboard users already could assign articles a particular person or group through statuses. We invented on-page todo’s to help communicate what has to be done. With a simple point and click on the position on the page that needs to be changed and a whatsapp like communication todo’s can be added to every page. Assigning to other people, forwarding and closing todo’s is so easy and everybody is in the loop instantly.

Our solution in action

We added a communication layer on top of articles and pages. We added communication roles so groups of people (for example designers) can be reached as a group and one of them can pick up the todo and accomplish it.

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